Mindset and values are key topics in our blog
In our Values Development Blog (in German) we share ideas and thoughts on topics like evolutionary development, self-guidance, self-development, marketing 3.0, holocracy, Spiral Dynamics, employee democracy, Reinventing Organizations, going teal, etc.
Selected articles have been translated for our English-speaking readers to enjoy.
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Employee motivation – how does it work?
How can employee motivation be improved? Spoiler: fresh fruit, office yoga, table football and so on don’t really hit the mark. Employee motivation: what works (and what doesn’t)? One thing is certain: the key drivers of employee motivation and engagement are not what many employers think they are. Obvious measures such as fresh fruit, office yoga, table football and other small perks are certainly a good thing. Their very existence shows potential recruits that a company is in principle...
Self leadership – Lead yourself to achieve your own goals
How can managers and employees lead themselves? Working from home, hybrid working, flatter or even temporary hierarchies, and an increasingly complex world are the new challenges companies are currently facing. Employees and managers who exhibit self-leadership skills are more likely to respond well to this new situation. This means being in touch with ourselves and engaging in regular self-reflection in which we examine our own thoughts, feelings and behaviour from the outside. Why do certain...
First the phenomenon, then the model
We have known that models are not representative of reality ever since an ant discovered a sumptuous picnic on one of its exploratory tours and wanted to give directions to its ant colleagues. Word of the culinary sensation not far from the anthill soon spread. However, all the other ants who had stayed in the nest did was draw colourful maps and show each other where the legendary picnic was. Over time, the ants forgot about the picnic and only talked about the maps. This little parable...
How do I actively influence the leadership culture in my company?
The importance of the inner attitude Management style determines how people work together in a company, and therefore impacts both output and innovative ability. So mindsets really do matter. The mindset of a manager can be more important for the sustainable success of a company than his or her actual skills. How managers understand and live leadership depends on their personality and mindset. Both can be nurtured There is enormous unlocked potential for development here – for both companies...
Future-proof leadership needs 3 qualities
Leadership should not act as a brake on development.At a lighthouse event organised by the German Entrepreneurs´ Organization in May 2019 at Fabrik23 in Berlin, Martin Permantier, author of "Mindset Matters", explains how we can change our attitudes and expand our mindset..Future-proof leadership needs presence, courage and empathyPresence is needed so we can act in the present and observe and recognise the mindset we are in. To do this we have to wake up inwardly for a "second time" as often...
The changing role of management
Why leadership needs reflection and development more than ever before A succinct summary of current insights plus tangible impetus for management and employees Thomas J. Dettling and Daniel Dettling put it in a nutshell in a guest commentary published in the newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung: "Most companies have to work much harder and reinvent themselves or risk extinction."The authors anticipate that digital transformation will accelerate and change markets permanently. “The real obstacles to...
Strengthen Corporate Culture and Employer Branding
Employer Branding: Your brand on the job market Our tried-and-tested values development method lends itself perfectly to strengthening your employer branding and gaining a potential advantage in being seen as an attractive employer. Why is employer branding so important? Companies are increasingly treating employees like a relevant target group to ensure they have a plentiful supply of qualified and motivated employees in the future. Which is why it is so important to build an authentic brand...
The Innovative Power of an Organisation is Determined by the Mindset it Embodies
The potential of the personal mindset as a driver of innovation If we want to promote the harmonisation of employers’ and employees’ interests in digital transformation, it’s the mindset and thus the level of maturity that really matters. The chances of harmonisation succeeding depend on how broad the horizons of the stakeholders are and how they construct their inner conception of the world. This worldview changes as we grow older, and how this happens has been the subject of much research....
The corona crisis – which mindset are we going to adopt?
A year ago, young people’s demand to prioritise sustainability over the economy was seen as naïve. But the situation is different today, and the corona crisis has shown us we need to address this demand. We are asking ourselves how long we want to put up with the restrictions and how much of a drop in our standard of living are we prepared to accept. This then raises the ethical question: is the way we have been living more important than the lives of the people the virus could kill? From...
Mindset Matters – how the book came about
Shaping leadership und corporate culture for the future Maike Schäbitz: Hi Martin, the book came out in summer 2019. I’ve read it through, given it some thought and tried out a few things for myself. I’d love to know what motivated you to write the book. Martin Permantier: A book like this has a long gestation period. If I think about it, it all began 30 years ago when I first played with the idea of self-development. At that time I still saw it as something of a private thing that didn’t have...