Insights into our approach: Putting theory into practice
The great thing about the six mindset model is that it’s so easy to put into practice. This process of developing mindsets and values is also described on The videos will give you an idea of our project work as well as some of our lecture formats. More information can be found in the Speaker Profile of Martin Permantier.
We are also happy to pass on our knowledge to you in seminars on values, mindsets and a common understanding of leadership. Whether workshops in-house or at the SHORT CUTS Academy – let’s talk about it!
How you can achieve inner freedom in leadership
At the Lighthouse event of the Entrepreneurs´ Organization Martin Permantier shows how we can expand our mindset.
Leadership needs three qualities if it is not to be a brake on development: presence, courage and empathy.
How you can achieve inner freedom in Leadership (18 min, English)
Vertical development as a key to a new understanding for leadership and corporate culture.
At the Rethink Festival 2020 Martin Permantier showed, how we develop our mindset and how we can expand it. You will see, that you already expanded your mindset in the past and what may lie ahead of you. Self-, team- and organizational-development can be better understood, if we know about the nature of mindset-development.
You will learn how we develop our mindset in steps and how our mindset is connected to the way we organize ourselves. And you may get an idea about your own mindset and what the next step on your learning journey might be. (16 min, English)
Systematic Thinking in a Complex World of Work
venturi, the IT recruitment agency that connects technologies greatest talent with world leading companies invited me to their podcast.
“We discuss leadership, its different forms, and how it has evolved over time. The future of business and leadership is ever-changing. In recent times office culture and mindsets have collectively shifted, and working remotely has become the norm. But how has this affected the way in which we do business?”
(32min, English)